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  |   2018, Morte Team   |   No comment

On Saturday November 24, the eternal captain of  Club Balonmano Ciudad de Logroño, Gurutz Aguinagalde, as if it were a Hollywood script, became the hero of the team in his last play as “franjivino“ goalkeeper. A key save that classified our team for the EHF Cup Group Stage after a miraculous comeback in the last minutes of the second leg of the qualifying round against Kadetten Schaffhausen disputed on Swiss territory.

The finishing touch for a 24 years professional career of Gurutz, living history of this team after remaining 14 seasons in the club (the only player who has played all seasons in ASOBAL), inspiring devotion from the supporters who said goodbye to him as he deserves a week before at the Palacio de los Deportes de La Rioja.

From MORTE we want to thank him for all these years of dedication, effort and commitment and we wish him the best of luck in the adventure he undertakes as the new president of his hometown team, the Bidasoa Irún. Godspeed, captain!


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