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  |   2022, Environment   |   No comment

At MORTE, in accordance with our commitment to protecting the environment, we are certified according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard and we periodically establish new preventive measures to minimize or eliminate the impact of environmental aspects derived from our activity.

In the evaluation and assessment of environmental aspects during 2021, the most significant are:

  • Generation of used toner and ink cartridges (HW)
  • Generation of SOSA-based detergent (HW)
  • Coolant consumption (HW)
  • Emissions from refrigerant gas leaks (HW)

We have carried out an analysis with the personnel involved and the values are in accordance with the activity of the company, although it is urged to continue controlling them.

On the other hand, the following table reflects the evolution of Hazardous Waste (HW), Non-Hazardous Waste (NHW) and Electricity Consumption (EC) in the period 2019-2021.



The analysis of the graph shows:

  • Reduction in the volume of Hazardous Waste (HW) in recent years, which mainly includes oils and coolants.
  • Explainable variation of NHW, dominated by steel scrap and chip, which are sold depending on the evolution of the market.
  • Consolidation of savings in electricity consumption (EC) which, although it has increased in absolute value in 2021, has decreased in terms of the EC/Hours worked ratio.

In the electrical section, we established as environmental objective for 2021 to self-produce 120,000 Kw.h (approx. 20% of the energy consumed), an objective that was met reaching 124,340 Kw.h.

This has led us to modify some processes and their schedules, involving our staff, with the aim that in the future self-consumption accounts for 20% of MORTE’s consumption.

Finally, we are pleased to inform you that the environmental impact achieved in 2021 has meant the non-emission of 62.17 Tm of CO2 and for the year 2022 it is planned to avoid another 60 Tm of CO2.

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