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One of our hallmarks since we began is providing an excellent service at any time combined with the highest quality products, to meet the needs of our customers.

Our years of experience in the sector enable us to guide customers when choosing the most suitable industrial solutions for each type of ceramic plant.

In this regard, at MORTE we offer the following value-added services:

MORTE products are designed and manufactured to be independently installed in customer premises. If any problems occur, solutions can be proposed at a distance to correct them.

However, if necessary and/or at the customer’s request, our technical support staff can visit the customer premises to solve the problem on site.

A multimedia tool for the maintenance of our equipment has also been prepared, so that operators are guided about the inside of our dies through simple steps and useful tips.

Our facilities are equipped with a modern oxycut and plasma cutting line and a large machining centre, allows us to deliver parts requested by our customers with the minimum of delay.



  • 8000 x 2500 bench.
  • Maximum cutting thicknesses:
    • 150mm in OXYCUT
    • 40mm in PLASMA
  • Triple head blowtorch for cutting at angles up to 30°
  • Steels of any quality cut (e.g. S235, S275, S355, anti-wear plate)

As part of the commitment we have with our customers, we have created the option of technical assistance for training and advice for the optimal management of our products.

This service may consist either of the one of our specialists visiting the customer premises for staff training or training at the MORTE facilities.

This initiative allows the customer to get an in-depth knowledge of the possibilities offered by our products (e.g. operation and regulation of our dies, or pressure head and propeller coatings…) increasing their profitability and hence the quality of the extruded products.

In our continued commitment to innovation, we have developed a model to predict the thermal behaviour of all types of ceramic products.

Thus, when a client asks us to design a new die whose extruded products must meet specific thermal requirements, we previously analyse the conditions and we are able to predict the behaviour of the products in situ, even before the die is manufactured.

In compliance with current regulations and considering the intrinsic properties of the materials involved in a particular wall (thermal conductivity, density…), this model can predict the thermal transmission coefficient (U) in a wall.

This is performed using ANSYS finite element software, whose results have been validated by internationally recognized testing laboratories.